Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 Months!

I was busy making posts about our recent trip to Mimi and Momo's house and I almost forgot to celebrate our fifth month as a family!  This one went by so fast!  Kind of an easy, normal sort of fast! 

Highlights include...
* Super Man sleeping in his bedroom!
* Lil'O's first steps!
* Lil'O finally gained enough weight to turn his car seat around.
* Lil'O's fifth tooth came in & he has one more almost poking through.
* First trip to Oklahoma to visit the M&Ms.
* Social Security numbers were assigned, bank accounts and 529's set up.
* Super Man is no longer bilingual.  This is something to mourn and celebrate... He only uses about 3 or 4 Amharic words now, but every week his English improves.  Incidentally, Side kick O has picked up a few Amharic words.   
*When Super Man says "yeah", it sounds totally Scandinavian or Minnesotan as in "ya, sure, you betcha".  This can probably only be blamed on me.  Apparently I have more of an accent that I realize. 
* Valentines Day has been my favorite worthless holiday so far.  (No offense on the worthless part, Pearly!!) 
* Super Man can now watch hours of tv if you let him.  This has been kind of a weird revelation.  One or two months home, I used to turn something on at 5:00, knowing I would have 5 to 10 minutes to start some dinner prep before my helpers would be back.  Generally massive tv watching skills would be considered bad in my book, except in cases of emergencies, like when I want to take a nap.  :) 
*Super Man finally likes fruit after months of being grossed out by things that are too sweet. 
* Lil'O personality shines through more and more each day.  It's such a surprise to see him have such strong opinions and ideas about every day things.  He's no longer a baby, although he's still pretty snuggly.  :) 

I can't wait to write the post for next month.  That will seem something of a major accomplishment to me... a family for 6 whole months! 

1 comment:

  1. That's funny that your little Ethiopian has a northern accent.
