Thursday, February 2, 2012

It Happened!

He did it!  Our little bear took his first steps today!  Apparently the trash can is the ultimate incentive.

Here is the recipe for success.  Wait until your inquisitive 17 month old pulls up on the trash can to dig out treasures, then move him back a few feet and then say encouraging things like, "look at that banana peel, wouldn't that be fun to stick in your mouth?" and "I bet there are some cracker crumbs still in that box that you could dump on the floor" and voila!  A walking child!!  Repeat until he throws a fit on the floor.  Then wait a couple hours and repeat again.  :) 

Question for my readers (all three of you):  Have you ever heard of a child who walks before he stands?

Meanwhile Big Man S was an alligator, duck, dog, frog, Brian, Micah and Robin Hood today (in that order).  I love that kid's imagination. 


  1. Awesome! Glad you found his motivation! haha!

  2. YAHOO!!!
    What won't they do for food!
    SO happy for O!

  3. Yay! Yay! Yay! Way to go Ollie! I have not heard of a child who walks before he stands, but who cares! He is walking! :) I love S-Man's imagination!
