Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1 Corinthians 1:27

My kids are sweet.  And they humble me.  And they care about how many snaps are fastened on their hoods.

We are about to walk into Bible Study this chilly morning when we have a melt down.  The melt down occurs because Superman realizes that both hood snaps aren't fastened.  We are feet from the door to go inside, which is where we will take off the coat and hood. 

Remember in the 90's when people would say or wear WWJD?  I'm guessing not this. 

(You must read the following in an exasperated voice with not one drop of kindness.)  "Hey, there are good things to cry about and bad things to cry about and your hood is a bad thing to cry about.  You can cry when you get hurt or when you are sad, or lonely, not when your hood only has one snap."   

I'm cringing as I type this.  Not because of the content.  I do actually think that is good.  One snap versus two snaps on your hood should not merit tears.  I am cringing as I remember the tone of voice I used to convey this message.  And of course when I use this tone it only prompts more tears.   

And now for the gut-wrenching, so incredibly sweet, and humbling part.  My child with one out of two snaps fastened sits down, closes his eyes, and manages to get out a prayer while continuing to cry.  "Dear God, please help me not cry about the bad stuffs."  

I wanted to hide.  I wanted a do-over.  I looked around to ensure no witnesses.  I sat down and held that boy in my arms and prayed with him. 

Then the Holy Spirit had a major conversation with me about patience, controlling my temper, and the importance of kind words.  Then I had a major conversation with the Holy Spirit about my gratitude concerning the work he is doing in my four-year-old's heart that he would turn to God in a moment of need. 

Later I apologized.  He said, "that's ok".  Then we put on our coats to leave and he reminded me (kindly, I might add) that he likes both snaps to be fastened. 



  1. bless your heart. good stuff to write down so it's not forgotten. I also liked this weekend how you encouraged O several times--"Hey, can you make your voice sound normal like momma's voice and not whiney?" Why don't I ever think of saying things like that? you have a way with reasoning with the 4 and under crowd.
    love ya-- Pearl

  2. I love this and I pray for patience every day :)

  3. I love your heart. You are obviously doing such a great job if that was S's response!
