Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's in a Name?

Did I tell you my name was changed?  Yep.  Tabby now.  Caylet (Superman himself) renamed me, along with little brother Cabby, and papa Mack. 

On a whim, I put these names into a baby name website that a college friend recently posted on fb.  (Thanks Amy!)  As far as name websites go, this one is pretty cool because you can type in names you like and it finds more along the same lines.

And here's the really crazy part.  After I typed in Caylet, Cabby, Tabby, and Mack it generated all my favorite names.  Isn't that weird?  Does my four year old share my taste in names? 

Here's the take away from this post, and I'll go ahead and spell it out for you in case you weren't reading between the lines.  I'm spending too much time on a naming website and may be a teensy bit baby crazy. 

My four year old, however, is much more open about such matters as he asks every few days, "when we gonna get one da dose?"      


  1. That's crazy that it recommended names you liked from those! That's cute that S likes babies so much.

  2. Get that boy a baby! Bootstrap for babies!
