Friday, November 22, 2013


People!  I've been married nine years!  Approaching a decade, and it's a little hard to believe/I can't hardly remember not being married.  I'm walking through life with the best possible man and I hope we get 50 more years together. 

Some good news, we even have anniversary plans!  We are going to see Les Mis tonight which I am excited for all by itself, but then one of Jon's geocaching buddies is in the chorus/choir/extra guys singing (I clearly don't know what this is called) and I'm looking forward to seeing him preform.  He is off to Florida soon, as he got a job as some prince down at Disney.  Ha!  Thinking about that geocaching Prince just makes me laugh. 

I'm sitting in front of my roaring fire playing cars with my son.  Old man winter has hit, with highs in the 20's and 30's all weekend.  But this is Texas after all, so I'm sure we will be back at the park in the next few days or weeks. 

Things that make me happy:  earlier this week the boys and I put Christmas lights on our house and it was 70.  Glad we got that done before this cold snap came. 
Things that make me bummed:  I bought a bunch of new outdoor Christmas lights last year on clearance at the end of the season and totally forgot about them because they were in the bottom of the storage container.  Please leave your comments and tell me to be rational, and not take down the lights on the house in 20 degree weather, simply to put up new ones. 

Okay, I'm off to make peanut brittle and try to oblige Bear's request of "let's do sumfin fun!"     

1 comment:

  1. Don't take down the lights. :)

    Happy Anniversary. I've had a lot of 'we've been married so long I can't believe it' thoughts lately. How we really we much different people then than we are now, etc. Cleaning out an old file cabinet will do that to you:)

    We did our Christmas decorating too. Early than we ever have, and always thought others were crazy for. Liv loves it though and likes to play with the Nativity and our Peanuts bobbleheads though. Liv's version of Bear would be "Let's do sump-ping fun."
