Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Long Live The Blog!

Sometimes I'm afraid my blog will die. 

For many seasons, I loved to record all of our new milestones and these days don't seem so new anymore  Mostly well lived-in. 

But, Seth did just conquer pre-k!  That is new!  He is a school-lover through and through, just like his mama.  We are so proud of that little bugger. 

He also said recently, "You know, I don't talk like a pig so much anymore."  Jon and I had absolutely no context and still don't know what on earth he was talking about but we sure did laugh.

We are t-minus 3 days until the big (ha, I mean across town) move and I am about to pull my hair out.  What is the opposite of a procrastinator?  The answer?  Jon and I.  We are so packed and I am so ready that I am seriously bored every night after I tuck my kids in bed.  Ideas of crafts or books or projects cross my mind, but everything is already packed.  I'm also one of those people who tend to get more done the busier I am.  Say my to-do list has twenty items; they are all knocked out in two days.  My to-do list has three items?  It may take me weeks to get those three things crossed off.  I'm thinking that until we are in the new house I'm operating in the tiny to-do list category; ergo, getting nothing done. 

The boys have done really well, and of course we left out their favorite toys, but the squirrely is starting to kick in.  Seth has been done with school for about a week now, so I'm guessing the squirrely would be setting in around now anyway.  It seems as though having nine tenths of his possessions boxed doesn't help.  Go figure.

Although it's not, life sometimes feels mundane, which leaves me feeling blah about posts.  Sorry faithful readers! (All four of you!) 

I will leave you with a few random pictures to go with this random post.

Me: standing on a ladder painting a soffit.
Ollie:  walking around the yard with his hat.

A chair I fell in love with. 
Me:  It's so perfect!  It's even less than two hundred dollars!
Me: (upon closer inspection): Waaaaaaait.....  I missed a zero..... it says $1,920.00.  Ummm, maybe we should shop elsewhere.

This one speaks for itself.  


1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your random post. Well, I am the opposite of you all. What is the secret to your amazing drive? I know I've asked it before, but I'm serious, my project mode comes only in spurts. Like, annual spurts. You can devote a few posts to that answer so your blog doesn't die, which would make me super sad.
