Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Daring Adventure

One of my favorite bloggers recently wrote, "We are calling our life a daring adventure right now because it sounds better than hot mess."

I heartily laughed and gave an amen. 

Mmmmkay.... where to start with filling you in on the hot mess...

Well, for starters I'm laying in bed eating those Cheetos cheese ball things waiting for Jon to come home from a little-out-of-towness. 

We've set up extra visits with our therapist to try and sort out some four and six-year-old adoption-related angst.  This, actually, I'm seeing as a positive.  We need more help and I'm happy to get it.

Jon and I went on a full-fledged trip out of town with nary a child.  Right in the middle of an extremely intense two week bout of parenting where we all about lost our fool minds.  The timing felt all wrong and I thought about cancelling and staying home one million times and cried my eyes out over the decision and the chaos.  It was all very dramatic and Kleenex filled. 

We haven't gotten one single phone call from our foster agency since Carsie-poo-poo right before Christmas.  This shocks me and tells me the Lord has got our back.  Ain't no way we could have parented another kid through this last spell.  Now the question begs, swear off fostering for awhile even when the calls start a'coming, or continue to trust in the Lord's providence that when we start receiving calls again our little family will be a little stronger than we were a month ago and be ready to jump into another beautiful mess?  (A daring adventure, remember?)

We are also in the process of picking out new hard wood floors.  Has anyone out there ever put hard wood in your house and experienced something kin to guilt over it?  We could support 5 Ethiopians for a year through Compassion with this money.  Or take our own two Ethiopians to Disney.  Or anything really. 

I don't think I'm alone in the hot mess.  Another fav blogger of mine posted this today: 30 days of connecting.  I think I'm going to try and jump on board with one or two of my monkeys.  Or maybe all three.  ;)


  1. Joy, I have been checking and hoping on repeat for a post and was so glad when it came. :) Not that I stalk you for posts... But I do... I know what you mean about paying for things that seem like extravagances. Giving a certain amount or percent to God/other good organizations doesn't rationalize the fact that the whole 100% is ultimately God's and that I'm a steward if it. Eek! So it is a struggle knowing what is "ok." I don't always stop to pray (or listen) about such decisions and need to get better about that. I would like to have a nice sit down convo about it with you, Pearl, and Amy Campbell. Maybe in heaven. Where the streets (and kitchens?) are paved with gold.

  2. I love your posts... catching up and smiling cuz I feel ya - I seem to run on the hamster wheel all day every day... Thinking of you, smiling and hoping we catch up soon :)
