Friday, January 9, 2015

Sunday Slumpies


Ah, the phenomenon of Sunday Slumpies.  I used to get these real bad as a working member of society; an insane grumpiness that came late Sunday afternoon/early Sunday evening focusing on the dread of another weekend wrapping up.  After deciding to stay home full time, I thought Sunday Slumpies would be forever forgotten.  Nope.  I still get them (although not as severe,) thinking about the weekend being over and Jon going back to work. 

Jon, on the other hand, doesn't even have the decency to try not to act excited.

My dad was always a big co-conspirator in Sunday Slumpies, a like-minded soul who knew and felt the outrageous bummer of a Sunday evening.  Plus, one time I heard some of my favorite radio personalities talking about it, although they didn't use my terminology.  Surely my dad, myself, and one person on the radio can't be the only ones.  Can you relate?  Do you get the Sunday Slumpies?

They also hit right at the beginning of a new year.  All the time off and fun of spending time together of the holiday season has come to a close.  Plus it's cold!  Christmas is over, what's all this lingering cold?  (Scoff if you'd like, but rest assured, as a Texan I do feel guilt typing those sentences.) 

Two or three times this past week I've been places (the grocery store and walking Seth into school) where I have overheard people talking about how grateful they are that January is here and how much they generally dislike the holidays.  That makes me so sad!  And so happy that I can't relate!

We had a dandy December over in these parts.  Momo and Mimi were here for most of it, and we lived it up Motsinger/Sethre style.  Which is to say we ate lots, took lots of naps, clearance shopped, and played a fair amount of games.  We made lots of jokes about them wearing out their welcome and a saying of my grandpa Donald's was brought up.  "You know what they say about fish and company? They both stink after three days." We had to modify it from three days to three weeks and then to four. 

Carson was also here half the time M&M were, so going from a house of seven to a house of two during the days for me and Ollie has been majorly anti-climatic for one four-year old.  He starts everyday by saying in the most whiney voice possible, "Mama what are we going to do today?  What will we do all day?"  I guess I'll know when he has detoxed from having extra people around when one of my answers for daily plans doesn't provoke a crying fit of "but that won't be fun!!"

And while we are one the subject of Ollie, here's a few other things that have made me chuckle lately.  Ollie is one of those mythical children who has never fought naps, always been a good sleeper, and always told us when he was ready for a nap.  Well, for the whole month of December he never snuck away for a nap, always wanting to be ready and alert for any extra fun or activity of a full house.  Approximately three hours after Momo and Mimi left, I found him in his bed sacked out for a two hour nap.  

One night while I was tucking him in he asked me when Seth was going back to school.  I laughed and asked if he was getting tired of playing with Seth.  His answer, "No!  I just can't wait to wear that Captain America costume when he's at school!"

Be gone slumpies, we've got lots to look forward to in 2015! There's gonna be lots of travel in spring and summer, even a grown-up only get-a-way in a weekend or two.   
So on we truck. 

This hat and his owner have left the building. 
The good times are definitely over. 


1 comment:

  1. I figured we'd taken them all to Montana, after the fun was over!
