Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Memories

We got back from Missouri yesterday and had a grand 'ol time.  It's a good thing, too, because I hardly have any pictures to look back at later if I needed to try to convince myself we actually did have a good time.  Ha! 
Allow me to explain.  Number one, I forgot my camera and my phone was being funky for the first couple days, so my only pics are ones that people texted me or Jon took.  Number two, vacation pictures are always of the best parts when everyone is all smiles and action, no pictures of time outs or moms taking deep breathes, trying not to cry or lose it (need not be in that order; lose it then cry is also a winning combo). 
I recently read a blog about a family going to Disney.  She hit the nail on head talking about how on the last day of vacation if someone would have asked her about the trip, she would have said they were all exhausted and many days had been a bust.  Then later thinking back and looking at the pictures, she remembers the trip as nothing but magical.  And both are true in their own right.
Funny texts and conversations I got/had in Missouri to drive home this point:
"How is vaycay? I am in hell!  Just kidding!  But not really though.... Just moments.  Moments of hell.  Lol.  Do I sound crazy?  Because I feel crazy!"
Me: How's it been?
Friend:  Well, the low was probably when I texted my husband that aside from keeping my kids alive I have nothing left to live for. 
Oh man.  I love these conversations with moms who have youngens because they are so normalizing. 
Anywho... back to our adventures. 
We stayed overnight in OKC and did some swimming on the way up.  We got to Missouri on Saturday driving "60 miles perhaps hour" (according to Seth) and had lots of fun on the farm.  Grandpa caught a couple turtles for the boys to poke and prod.  Seth also caught a frog right before we left.  He (Seth, not sure how the frog felt) was pretty smitten.  The boys also played in the White (green) House every day, kicking up dirt and driving trucks all over.  Spies was a popular game this trip, but I don't think anything beat the bows and arrows that gpa made. 
Grandpa's little archers
We stayed with Joy, BJ, and Lily for a couple days, too.  They are just so fun and easy to hang out with.  BJ had gotten a bunch of his childhood action figures from his mom for the boys to play with and they played TMNT and Batman for hours.  Loved it! 
Lily girl has been growing as well, and has made more progress with her hip!  Yay!  She is currently only wearing her brace for the night hours, but I bet she will be foot loose and fancy free all the time soon!
Lily Darlingest and Auntie Honey
Backyard Bubble Fun at cousin Lily's. 
We spent one day at the zoo (alas, no pictures).  Ollie later told Jon (who was in Iowa at a conference) that his favorite part was the carousel and Seth said his favorite was seeing the otters and "touching a dead one" (a zoo keeper was out and about with a pelt).  We also spent one day at Science City trying to catch up with these lovely ladies and their crews:
This is a cool friendship.  We all met and were friends in college in our 20's (or old teens!?!??), but I'd say we are closer now in our 30's than in our 20's.  Blogs and sharing parenting/life experiences will do that for you.   
This is one of those magazine games:  Find three differences in the two pictures above. 
Poor Bear.  He was all vacationed out on Science City day.  Later when grandma or Jon asked if he had fun at Science City he said, "Yeah!  It was awesome!  But I just cwied and cwied."  We stopped and got some M&M's and played at a playground for a couple hours after and filled his happy tank right back up. 
And that brings us back to now!  Happy, filled with M&M's, and back in Texas.  Thanks for all the fun, Missouri!  We didn't even need the perfect pictures to tweak our memories!   

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