Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October Wrap-Up

Seth with his jumbo birthday cookie from Barnes and Noble.  I think he also spent his birthday money on another magic kit. He has officially learned one or two tricks from each kit.  :P

Sous chef, Ollie.

Typical Sunday afternoon during small group.  You would not believe how bad this room smells after 90 minutes. 

Seth is bailing on college.  I told him that's where he would learn to patent, so maybe he will change his tune. 

This kid. 
He just wants to spend his days taking selfies or posing for shots.  And when he's not busy with the paparazzi, he is dancing to M.C. Hammer.

Crazy hair day at school.

Top View. 
Let the record show that I kinda mom-forced him into this.  After I finished and he looked in the mirror he yelped, "Oh man!  I look like a girl!  These look like braids!!!"

Ollie's got a new kinder best bud, Jonathan.  We knew he had to be good stock, just from the name alone!

Jonathan lives like 8 houses down from us.  I don't know who is more excited, me or Ollie to have found neighborhood friends.  I'm so grateful!  (Ollie maybe more so!)

Nolan almost always sleeps laying on his belly with his hands under his face.  He often wakes up with a perfect baby slap hand print on his cheek after naptime, but this all over face paint was a new one. 

Still a happy guy though!

Gahh!!  Isn't this the cutest?!?

Seth and Ollie, playing with Jonathan and his brother Isaiah. 

First time out of the car seat and sitting in the cart.  He was happy as a clam!

Ollie's swingset love is still going strong.  I'm glad.

Just a couple of Tiger fans ready for game day!
Halloween Event #1: a baby, a magician, and a knight.

Halloween Event #2: Spiderman and Frankenstein

Spidey, a soccer player, and Frank.  My best picture of the three of them.  :)
Frank and friends!

1 comment:

  1. You've got the new Steve Jobs on your hands. Here's to giant cookies, Tiger fans, braids, Neighborhood Friends, and Halloween Hijinks!!
