Monday, June 12, 2017

End of an Era

Ollie has wanted to say goodbye to his locks for a few months now, but I didn't feel like I was ready to say goodbye to them just yet.  Ha!  In the end his sweet, reasoned responses where what I needed to hear.  "Well, mom, maybe you feel that way, but I'm ready for short hair." It makes me chuckle just thinking about the pep talks he gave me. 
We decided we would tackle a major haircut after the last day of school. 
Here's the before:
I've got to say for the first few days, Jon and I caught ourselves doing all these double takes.  Who was this kid with the same mannerisms and dance moves as our Ollie?  It was like a doppelganger stepped into our lives. 
Now that he's had short hair a few weeks, I am so glad he asked for a change.  It's so much cooler for him in the hot Texas sun, plus it's way less maintenance.  He's joined the world of people who can shower by themselves and not need their mom for major hair help.  Plus he is just too handsome.  No matter the hair.  And when he puts product in it every morning, he tries to get the front section to stand up as high as possible and calls it his shark fin.
Now we just need to get him a good shave....

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