Thursday, June 13, 2019

Hey Honey! (Cousin Camp, part 2)

Nolan and Lily would spend a chunk of time most days playing Family where Nolan would be Dad, and Lily would be Honey. It was so cute to eavesdrop on them, "Hey, Honey, you want me to get you some dinner? Hey Honey, it's time to go to the grocery store/church/school. Ok Dad, I'm ready. Honey, do you need this? Do you need your blanket? Yes, Dad." Gah. I hope they aren't too old for Family with Dad and Honey the next time we get to hang out.
And now... presenting a week's worth of documentation!
Lily and Layla could have been content scooping for hours. 
Basketball! Turns out all-girl-houses have rainbow sports equipment. :) 
Bubble fight! 

Welcome to cousin camp! 
Minnie Mouse motorcycle rides around the kitchen. 

Celebrating Layla's 2nd birthday a little late. Happy birthday, little sunshine! 

Mixing up a couple batches of play doh. 

Snuggling up for movies. 
Sprinklers! We found a toad in the backyard and had fun chasing it around until it slipped under the fence. Grandpa caught one as well and it peed in his hand, which happens to be Nolan's favorite story of the trip.
Pizza Ranch, which is turning into a tradition unto it's self.
Camping out in the tent. This was actually something of a nightmare, which will not surprise anyone familiar with an 8, 4, or 3 year old. Take all the melatonin you like, I will bet good money that these kids can't make it through the night. Also, that's Nolan in the yellow and pink jammies. I only packed him footies for basement sleeping and the tent was going to be way too hot. Ollie also forgot his pajama shorts at Grandma and Grandpa's house and when he realized he whined, "I don't have to wear Lily's pajamas too, do I??" Cousin Camp memories!
Fun Run!
If you can't tell, we really enjoyed ourselves. 
Up next... fun from the farm 

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