Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Oh Dear! (Cousin Camp, part 1)

Nolan, Ollie, and I left early a few Wednesdays ago to take a trip to visit some of our favorite people. The mood of the van was high and excited, despite the long drive ahead of us. Cousin camp was about to begin! We were going to see Grandma and Grandpa! We had barely made it out of town, the sun was just starting to creep up when I saw two deer on the side of the road. I immediately began braking, hoping they wouldn't change course and run back out into the road. Then wawboom. The third deer running across to join his buds. And that is how our van, friend for close to 7 years, met her end. Poor old gal, there was simply nothing she could have done. I hopped out to look at the damage and it was clear the van was totaled. Totaled, but still drivable (convenient!). I called Jon and we decided to meet at his office. He got there and gave us hugs, made sure we were all ok, then immediately started putting all our luggage into the blue car. I wasn't really sure if we would keep going at that point, but I suppose why not??

He told me about some weird morning thunderstorms that were going on and advised us to take a different route. So once again we were off, a different car, and a slightly different direction. We didn't make it far before coming to a road closure because it was under water. We tried to take the next road, it was even more flooded. At this point my plan was just to head back to Jon's office and make a new (hopefully better!) plan. Wellll....  this is when we got stuck in the mud. Oye. Again, I called Jon and he came to the rescue, this time bringing his big work truck and a chain to pull us out.  

Everyone was still pretty excited by our on-going adventure. No tears or injuries, I figured what the heck. Lets keep going.
Finally, we were 50 miles out of town and it had only taken 3.5 hours! Good news, no other crashes or periods of being stuck that day. Bad news, our 11.5 hour trip turned into a 15 hour trip and we were now a van-less family.
But the upside; our destination! We finally got to my in-laws' house and my darling nieces were just as excited to see us as we were them! Plus my sister-in-law made the most adorable cousin camp shirts, which honestly made my whole week. I think these pictures of my boys with their cousins (sporting their new shirts, of course) and grandma and grandpa turned out so sweet.

Stay tuned! Lots of fun to come!

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