Tuesday, October 8, 2019

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

... a 10 year old padawan turned 11.

For Seth's birthday, he received a bedroom redo. This was a long time coming as his room used to be our nursery and foster care room, then pretty much turned into a recycling center. I really loved all the color when it was a nursery, and even though Seth has called that room his for a few years now, I never grew tired of all those bright colors. I asked Seth several times over the last couple of years if he wanted to change anything or hang some posters and he always said no. Change is hard!

Then slowly over time, that bright room became a pit. A huge recycling bin. I told Seth he had to throw away the cardboard boxes in his room so I could start prepping to paint the walls. He was a good sport and did so. Later in the day I took the kitchen trash to the alley dumpster, and I kid you not, that entire dumpster was filled with Seth's boxes covered in masking tape. Later when I did actually start painting, I realized I never specified he also had to clean out his closet. I had 5 bulging kitchen trash bags that I brought to the dumpster myself. Oye.

Is it possible to look homeless in your own room? Sadly, this is even semi-clean.

The after looks so, so nice and Seth loves it. 

Hopefully it will be a little motivation to keep it looking nice. 
(We bought all the A's from Hobby Lobby. We will have to look again for our last A soon!)

Please note the bin under the desk. That is the home for cardboard boxes for his inventions. I'm really hoping we can limit the cardboard to fitting in that bin. Fingers crossed!

For years Seth also had a small room sized trash can. I'm also thinking a big kitchen size trash can should help. 

Desk organization! 

New dresser! 

Overall the weekend was joy-filled and we enjoyed celebrating our biggest, but I think we have started to experience some of those pre-teen emotions. Man, if it's not one thing, am-I-right? For both Seth and Ollie, we had them move to another room for a night or two so I could finish their room and surprise them with a big reveal. Well, Seth accidentally walked into his room (twice!) and then bawled his eyes out (both times!) because he felt like he ruined the surprise. In no way were Jon and I mad at him, but he was so hard on himself and devastated by what he had done.

I also have no cake pictures because I had asked him to apologize to Ollie for bopping Ollie on the head and he sobbed that I had ruined his birthday. Of course we couldn't wait until everyone calmed down to do the cake, that would never, never fly. Oh well. Big days probably aren't his jam. Despite all that we really did have a fun weekend. 

He's super into Avengers and super heros right now, and got some toys he really enjoyed, including a Captain America (Mack-in Uh-care-ick-ca if you are Noey), spiderman stuff, and Thanos' gauntlet. 

Seth, I have a good feeling that 11 is going to be epic! We love you, sweetheart!

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