Thursday, November 12, 2020


I don't even have words for how life-giving this post is. Ollie has been asking questions about baptism and asking if could be baptized for 6ish months now. We had talked about it on and off but hadn't made any plans. At church one Sunday, we saw about 7 to 10 people baptized, which was also the first time Ollie had see believers profess their faith and be baptized. This really sealed the deal for him. He was ready. I pulled out my baptism verses that my campus minister, Jud Weece, took me through almost 2 decades ago when I made the decision to be baptized after following Christ. I'm tempted to type about how sweet it was to see him pursue this, but really sweet it only a teeny tiny component of the over-whelming reality of what he was said yes to. 

Ollie has recognized that in his own power he will always be a flawed and broken person. The world tells us that money, relationships, comfort, or reputation will fix us by bringing us completion or peace. Ollie is beginning his journey to understand that God has placed eternity in the hearts of man and only falling in love with the beauty of Jesus will be an answer to any of life's questions.

We went down to Brushy Creek and Ollie was baptized that evening. Ollie was agreeing with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, and declaring an allegiance to Christ by choosing to die to the world and live in pursuit of Christ.

Ollie, I pray that your identity and self-worth would be found in the creator of the universe. I pray that your desire to know Jesus would drive your pursuits, relationships, and life. I pray that you would continue to be amazed by God, learning more about Him, and becoming more enamored with His love for you; love for the world. I pray that your eyes would be open to the people around you, that you could see people as Christ sees people. I pray that as the Holy Spirit resides in you, you would become more attune to his promptings and his comforts. Lord, let Ollie be yours. Let his love for you grow.

Join me in welcoming a new brother to the Lord's table. Love you for all of eternity, Ol. 

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