Sunday, March 28, 2021

My Pupppppies!

Let's talk about my puppies. I'm really trying not to become that crazy person that talks about her pets way too much, but I am seriously in love. And I am so proud of them. (And I can recognize that that is weird.) 

They are the perfect little dogs for us. A well behaved lady and gentleman. They don't bark much, they remember not to jump on our 1 year old neighbor, and when I open the back gate to the alley they sprint out like rockets and then turn around and run straight back into our yard. They are committed to cleaning each other's ears, which is good because I told them that I didn't want that job. When I say "bedtime" they scamper into their crate. They haven't learned much yet in the way of actual tricks, but come on summer. We are ready to see Luna "dance" on command. 

We finally finished up all their shots. They are both around 6 pounds, 4 and a half months old, and expected to grow a bit more. 

Trying to get into a package from Mimi.

Personality-wise, Luna is 80% cat, Kingsley is 100% Chihuahua. If you put Luna on a leash for a walk, she lays on her back and bats at the leash like it was a string. Kingsley gets with the program and happily scampers along; someone eventually just picks up Luna and carries her. Luna plays with a laser pointer and bats at things with one paw. Luna is bigger than Kingsley, but will crawl into places he deems too small so she can watch the world pass by. Meanwhile, Kingsley is afraid of the stairs.  

They are doing good on the quest for becoming house-broken, but I just don't completely trust them quite yet. I am really excited for the days when they can sleep with Nolan, though. Those three would be happy as clams all curled up together. 


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