Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I've been a dead-beat blogger lately.  I could say it has something to do with my husband being gone, but I'll be honest.  It has more to do with the new fall line up.  Pathetic, I know.  Also, my camera is with said husband, many, many miles from home.  Here are some cute ones from a few weeks ago that I've been meaning to post.
These may be my very favorite pictures taken of Bear to date.

My good bud took them the other day while they played at her house all day.  Ummm... without me.  Can I just tell you how much progress our kids have made in the last few months?  Our season of super separation anxiety did not drag out for months as I feared.  Yay!  I have really enjoyed working with kids in the school setting again, and it has been a million times more enjoyable seeing how well our kids have done. 


1 comment:

  1. Hooray for you and for the boys!!
    Darling pictures too!
