Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve!

I just read on a friend's fb status that how you spend your New Year's Eve is mostly likely how you will spend your year.  I hope this is true!  It's 2:11 and I'm still in my pajamas, my kids have played darling all morning, my living room has 3 forts in it, my husband is napping watching football, my kitchen is a mess, but I'm caught up on laundry, and I'm looking forward to Super Mario Bros on the wii after my kids go to bed.  I really do love our life.

Our little guys are down with some kind of cold (flu? rsv?), so that's the only thing about today that we don't want repeating.  This seems like our first real sickness since being home, so I'd say we are coming up on top. 
Even Norman is fading fast.
Happy New Year's Eve! 



  1. Your Eve sounds a lot better than those people standing in Times Square for 10 hrs in the cold waiting for the ball to drop:) Happy New Year!

  2. Hurray for days spent in jammies. :) Happy New Year, friend!
