Friday, September 6, 2013

The love continues: Day 11

Superman is a school-lover.  This fact literally makes me stop in my tracks and thank Jesus.  Multiple times a day.  He has adjusted so well and his genuine excitement about school is contagious.  A major highlight in my day is picking him up at noon.  I get to watch him play for a few minutes on the playground as his class finishes up recess, then we get lots of smiles and hugs in before hopping in the van.  Then when we get home he always goes on and on about the treasure box and what he and I will do when we play school after lunch.  I always love (love) checking his yellow folder everyday to see what he made or did.  It's just too sweet.

And the songs.  Oh people, he learns some darling songs at school.  And then he comes home and teaches them to me, because I have never, ever heard of the songs those pre-k teachers scrounge up.  I walk around singing, "Oh my!  No more pie!" all day and I do it with tons of expression in an attempt to mimic 4-year old enthusiasm. 

The only snafu he has told me about was, "Mrs. Hollyhondro took my scissors.  I don't think that was very nice of her."  I didn't know whether to laugh, talk about the behavior that led to the scissor removal, or just make a bland, general comment.  "Oh, your scissors, huh."   

(As a major aside, I just googled snafu.  While I was aware of the general meaning, can I just say I had no idea.  And now I am even cussing on accident.)

I try to ask him detailed little questions about his day so I can learn the common vocab that they use in the classroom.  This is how I learned that the sewn fabric pocket that slips over the back of his chair and holds his pencil box is called the "belly pouch".  This is often where the conversation goes when his water bottle is lost.  As in, "don't worry, it's probably just in your belly pouch."  And the real hilarious part is when Bear picks up this new vocab and has no real idea to what it refers.  Yesterday, we were playing school and Superman, a.k.a. Mrs. Hollyhondro, was telling the dutiful class (me and Bear) that we need to sit criss cross with our hands in our laps.  I think I am sitting correctly, but then I'm shown that you can't simply rest your hands on your lap, you need to push your hands way down in the space created in your legs.  Bear, standing beside me, watching this demonstration pipes in, "Yeah, put your hands in your belly pouch." and I look up to see him standing there with his hands shoved deep in his underwear.  I fall over and die laughing and at that point, you feel bad for the pretend Mrs. Hollyhondro; there is no way she's ever reigning this class in.