Monday, August 31, 2015

Birthday Girl!

Today is someone's very, very special day. I won't say how old she is (although a certain almost-7-year-old will gladly volunteer that information to anyone he just met without any prompting whatsoever).

Joy, we love you so much. Seth is thrilled with your daily notes in his lunchbox and I'm pretty sure that Ollie wants to marry you when he is a grownup. And why wouldn't he? You are a wonderful mom and wife. Thanks for loving us all so well!

Happy, happy, happy birthday! 

She decided a few weeks ago to celebrate with root beer floats instead of cake. Great choice!

Super-cute lunchbox notes for Seth's first week of school. 

Happy birthday, from a couple of cutie pies!


  1. Happy Birthday Joy--yours is one of the few friend birthdays I always remember--because it's exactly a month after mine, though you have years of youthfulness on me:) Hope your actual day is awesome! And now I want a rootbeer float:)

  2. Thanks Amy! I appreciate you kind words!! And I'm still waiting for you to start your blog.... ;)

  3. Three cheers for Joy!! Wish I could reach over and clink a float to yours in celebration! Also... Those lunch notes are legit.
