Thursday, August 20, 2015

TBT: Salt Lake Edition

Throw back Thursday sounds loads better than 'I was too lazy to upload the pictures from my camera until now', doesn't it?  So glad I finally did!  Some of these pictures are gorgeous!  And such fun memories of a great evening! 
Walking across the beach.  You can't see it too well in the picture, but there were tons of big white patches from the dried salt in the sand. 
(Side note and tribute to Jessie:  "I know all salt comes from the ocean, but...")

See Ollie's floaties that I am carrying in my hand?  Crazy how a month or two can make such a difference in the life of a child, because now at the end of August that fish wouldn't have needed them.  Plus, hello.  It's the Salt Lake.  You float. 

Proof.  Me floating.  The boys couldn't get this whole sitting thing down though.  You possibly need a little junk in the trunk. 

The millions of sea monkeys we swam with.

How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all!
Psalm 104:24