Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hallelujah, it's Summer!

Never have I been more glad to see May wrap up!  It's time to breathe and enjoy these crazy kiddos and our long hot days together!  Here's some pictures taken over the last few weeks of our happenings. 
Park play date with the Pharr Friends (Kids from Ollie's pre-k class).

Seth's last day of first grade!  If you want a comparison, the first day is here.   
Seth's class worked so hard all year on a phonics song called Chunks and Hunks.  He is really quite good at it and he does sing it to refer to the phonics rules when reading or writing.  
Seth got the Nerds award for curiosity and intelligence in all subject areas and a Science award.   
Well deserved. 
To celebrate the last day we went swimming with some friends.  People, I am so proud of these boys.  We are officially a floaty-free family.  They are both swimming so beautifully.  If these two were horsing around at a lake and fell in the water, the drowning threat is behind us.  Thank goodness says me and my smart phone that would definitely be in my pocket.      
Nolan is a pool baby.  He was so content to take it all in, coo, and kick his feet.  He also napped a good chunk of the time.  I'm hoping this wasn't a fluke and that this will be a repeat performance for him! 
Our good buds, Ethan and Logan. 
Ha! The best picture to start a summer off right! 
The Panthers also had their last game this week!
Not much beats a soccer medal.  Unless it's a reminder that your older brother got a soccer trophy for playing on this team three years ago.  Sheesh. 
Now let's kick back and enjoy some lazy days! 
Book time! 

And play time! 

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