Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Noey is Three Months

Darling baby Noe-Noe is three months old today.  Ollie spent the day singing happy birthday to celebrate and begged for cake.  Noley Poley choose to celebrate by purposefully rolling from his tummy to his back today during tummy time.  I was equal parts delighted and proud, with a tiny smidgeon of "holy smokes, you conquered that pretty dang young.  Don't tell me you are going to be a nine month old walking/running terror that never stops moving...." going through my brain.

Nolan you are also a champ night sleeper and have been since the get go.  Only problem is now you can bust through a swaddle like nobody's business, which will for sure lead to 4:30 am half hearted cries.   

You are so alert, curious and attentive.  Already!  Every where we go people guess you are older because you are so into everything that is going on.  This can be problematic as you don't like to eat in a new place.  We are working on that. 

You are sweet and snuggly!  Your smiles are the cutest!  I seriously have to watch what I'm saying, otherwise I would brag about you for hours on end to everyone.  You love to be smothered with kisses. 

You are drooly!  So drooly!  But oh so adorbs. 


We love you, Sugar Pie!

1 comment:

  1. Oh 'No-man you are the sweetest little pie! Mimi is missing all your snuggles....
