Monday, August 22, 2016

Another First!

Oh man.  We are so cute, if I do say so myself. 
(Also note Noey grabbing Ollie's hair.  All. The. Time!)
This kid is in kinder!
And our big 2nd grader!
Mot bros, ready for action.
The 'yay school!' pose. 
The long walk. ;) 
Seth and Mrs. Cole 
Seth hasn't talked too much about school, although he was so excited this morning to go back and see Mrs. Cole.  I've had some ominous feelings about him going back to school and getting overwhelmed, but I was so excited for him and proud of him this morning.  He really was so pumped! 
Ollie and Mrs. Castanada 
Ollie was brave and confident this morning, but you could also tell he was slightly nervous.  It was perfect for me because he didn't know the procedures so I loved that I got to help him when his teacher was busy with other parents, but he wasn't overly nervous or worried.  I was so proud! 

The tears came for me after lunch.  This year Seth is coming home for lunch to try and give him a break during the day.  The first few days I am going to sign him out in the office until we get in a good routine and he can walk home by himself.  Before I signed him out, I went to say hi to Ollie in the cafeteria and bring him some chocolate, (of course).  It did my heart good to be able to check in on him during the middle of the day.  He was already having the time of his life, chatting with friends, eating his apple slices.  He was so happy to see me and tell me about his morning. 
Then I met Seth in the office and it did my heart good to see him as well.  He talked non-stop about all the things he is going to invent someday, it kinda seemed like he was holding in his monologue all morning and it was all just spilling out.  He was in a great mood and even remembered to tell me a few things about his morning before resuming talk about LED lights and how he is going to make a jet pack.  After he ate his lunch, we went outside for a few minutes so he could ride his bike before he headed back to school. 
As I watched him walk back in the front door of the school, I got all misty eyed.  I was so proud of both boys!  They are so brave!  Confident!  They were so chatty and happy to tell me all of their news! It was a pretty sweet mid-day visit with both of them. 
Then Noey and I went back inside to resume his learning...
What's the deal with this baby?  Rolled over the day he turned 3 months and now, not even 6 months, thinks it would be a good time to try his hand at crawling.  He's in that stage where he gets on his knees and rocks back and forth trying to get it all figured out.  Sometimes he launches himself, like a long jumper after a few rocks back and forth.  Then he belly flops and is bummed it didn't all work out a little better.  He is also getting pretty frustrated because he will see a toy he wants and tries to go get it, but only can go backward at this point.  Baby drama!  So cute!! 

After school we came home and made puppy chow and then went outside to ride bikes.  Coach Serna from PE left quite an impression on Ollie.  After he dug up a whistle from the basement he decided he would probably be a coach when he grows up, abandoning his idea of being a Taxi truck driver.
Excited to see what day 2 holds! 

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