Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Our Little Gentleman

Do they come any cuter?

Our dear sweet lil Noey!  Man, we love to love this kid! It is hard not to go on and on about him when I'm talking to people, but what is a blog for if not going on and on, right?!  He has started this really high pitch, baby bird, coo.  It seems so very expressive.  He also has a breathy coo which is easy to for me to imitate.  He loves it when I do, so and we take turns, making a real sweet conversation. 
His eyes have finally settled on a deep hazel.  They flirted with a steely blue gray for the better part of his life, but they have gradually changed.  And his hair no longer sticks up at all!  Even when I give him a Mohawk after baths, it still lays back down!  Because of this I've had to give him a few haircuts because he literally had all this side of the head hair getting in his eyes.   
How life changes in just a few short years, from when you have a 2 and 4 year old to now an almost 6 and 8 year old.  Life is chaotic with little littles, each day a marathon without anytime time to think or breathe.  Now I have big(ish) boys!  Boys who are so helpful!  Boys who love to love Noey.  Every day I hear the sweetest things come from their lips, such loving declarations to our Noley Poley.  I really feel like we have made it through the most chaotic/disorganized years.  (Moms who have teenagers, don't feel like you need to dispel me of this notion...)  I have two children who do their own laundry, and fold napkins and baby clothes weekly.  Children who can now empty and (mostly) load a dishwasher.  Lovely big boys who can pull up blankets on a bed and hang a towel.  They can throw toys in a closet and dress themselves and brush their own teeth, complete with occasional attempts at flossing.  If I man the broom and continue buying food and putting it on the table, what more is there?  I'm proud of them for a multitude of reasons; seeing their blossoming little selves is just one of many. 

1 comment:

  1. Hugs to you and sweet Noey and the bigs ... and hope for our house in a few years! Lucy took out the recycling today (with dad there to get the door for her), and I wondered why this seemed fun rather than picking up her toys ever. I'm with you on the hoping for a different kind of busy that isn't a fight for each day in the teen years.
