Sunday, August 28, 2016


Warning:  This blog post may have an inordinate amount of pictures of our birthday boy. 
Ollie's had the month of August wrapped around his finger.  The last few years it seemed like birthday and back to school in the same week was too much excitement for Seth and Ollie, so this year we spread the love.
We had a birthday party for Ollie at Safety City, which is a little, bike-sized town in one of our parks.  To put it mildly, it did not have an auspicious beginning.  I got there around 8:45 to set up and get a few things ready for the birthday boy and party goers, only to find that a huge padlock was baring access to my plans.
Long story short, Jon saved the day with his city of Lubbock contacts and got someone out there to unlock it.  We had settled on having the party at nine, they had it written down as ten.  The kids squeezed through the fence upon arrival and ran around like, well, kids at a birthday party, so I don't think they even noticed the bungle.  In the end, they gave us our 100 bucks back and Motsingers are nothing if not cheap, so maybe it was all a win. 
Anywho, back to the birthday festivities...
Somehow the notion of having a parade during the birthday party came up and Ollie really latched on to this idea.  The boys wanted to throw out candy and goodies, so I had them clean out their closets to find loot we could throw.  This, dear reader, was parenting gold.  We got rid of junk, cleaned, and I didn't have to buy party favors. 
Our plunder plus a bag of tootsie rolls.
The parade participants lining up.
Eryn and Ollie discussing the parade route.
Guess what?  A birthday party parade is actually a hair brained idea.  First of all, what kid doesn't want to be in the parade?  There was virtually no one to throw candy and spoils at.  And those few kids that did want to catch parade candy were taking their very lives in their hands.  It may come as no surprise, but kids ages 4 to 8 cannot in fact look down to their goodie stash (cups that I had tied to the parade bikes), grab said goodies, and then throw goodies all while keeping their eyes on the road. But fun was had!  No one died!  A few close calls just got more adrenaline flowing to add to the party vibe! 
Then it was time for cake!  Seriously, if you heart chocolate, or cookie dough, or yummy desserts in general, try these recipes.  They will not disappoint, take my word for it.   
And that was the end of early august festivities. 
About a week later, these gems arrived in the mail from the M&M's.
That's right, roller skates!  Good thing he got that new spiderman helmet! 

A few days later we got another birthday package, this one most perplexing, filled with bandaids, athletic tape, and gauze.  My first thought was that Mimi regretted sending Ollie roller skates and decided to send along a second box to help with any mishaps.  Nope!  We found a note in the bottom and realized it was supplies to play athletic trainer from our good buds Juke and Lubal.  (Ha, always.)  We changed it up to suite our interests and have played doctor, ninja, and ninjas at the doctor over the past few days.  
Ollie:  I think you are going to need to use a wheel chair after this.  But don't worry!  People will teach you how to use it and be able to do things.  Like dance!  People will teach you how to dance in the wheelchair!

Then on to his actual birthday, Krispie Kremes in Kindergarten! 
There's Ollie, and Alba LaRue and Bruce!  These names! 
Not sure about boy in green shirt, I'll have to ask Ollie.  Its probably something far out there too, to fit into this picture.  Perhaps Enoch?
(edited:  it's Cody, Ollie just told me.  Bummer.)
(Side note on names:)
Ollie:  Mom, what should we name Noey when we adopt him? 
Me: I think we are going to stick with Nolan.
O: Well, that sounds like a baby name.  What are people going to call him when he's a grown up or like a teenager?  They can't call him Nolan!
Me: (silently) uhhhhh...... you realize your name is Ollie, right?
Finally, birthday at home with family and Jennifer.  Here's the dessert choices when your love language is sugar.  Left over doughnuts from school, friendship bread cupcakes, and Klondike bars.  

A last package from grandma and grandpa!  Thanks for all the bday love everyone! 
Ollie, we LOVE you! 

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