Sunday, September 16, 2012

To My Dear Ones

To my Bear,

When I think back on the year, I am amazed at all the ways you have changed and grown.  When you came home at 13 months you couldn't sit up and had zero teeth.  You spent many months in pain as your body caught up and they came in quick succession.  Your record was cutting three teeth in one night. 

Over time you learned that mom and dad were here to stay and their arms were the best for holding you.  Gradually you stopped reaching out to strangers to hold you or pick you up, and sought comfort from family instead. 

People immediately fall in love with you.  With your spunky, sweet personality, toothy smiles, and eye lashes that curl into your eye creases, it is no wonder.  You are determined and a fighter.  You are snuggely.  You love books, garbage trucks, and your brother.  Nothing makes you sqeal with delight more than when your Ababa comes home.  When you fall asleep on my shoulder, I curse time for marching on.

You love exploring new things and asserting your newly found independence.  You love water and could play in a kiddie pool all day, every day.  Music makes you dance.  You have terrible eating habits and a crazy sweet tooth.  This, of course, is most assuredly your mom's fault.  After 12 months of trying my hardest to get you on the growth chart for weight, I've seen you gain a few pounds and ruin your appetite for veggies. 

You are talking, which is making you so very proud.  You love to tease me and fight me every day, twice a day, when it's time to brush your teeth.  Your favorite joke is to answer, "I'm five!" when asked how old you are.  Then you laugh and say, "I'm two!"

To say I love you would be an understatement.  I can't imagine life without you and look forward to all the adventures that lay ahead. 

Love, Mama

To my dear SuperMan,

You came home as a quiet boy, eager to learn and please.  You were also very, very scared.  You immediately latched on to mom and dad, but it was many months before you let your joyful personality and sense of wonder shine. 

Over time you learned about trusting again.  You learned that tickling and wrestling were fun.  You were explicitly taught that holding hands was a way to connect, not a scary way to control.  I was thankful for the day you finally let us pick you up and carry you when you were tired.  I was even more thankful for the day when you finally rested your head on our shoulders and let your guard down.  Gradually you realized it was our job to protect you and you could relax. 

Your imagination blows me away.  Your pretend play has included being a banker, librarian, barber, King Richard the Lion from Robin Hood, the Chick-fil-A cow, and Ababa, not to mention every animal known to man.  I laugh out loud when I think of the times you have come in a room to tell me that you were a flamingo or a sperm whale. 

You are a protector. You get mad at Ababa for teasing me. At times you enjoy pushing your brother's buttons, but have been known to push down other kids who mess with him. You learned English! When people haven't been around you for a week, they are surprised to see you again and hear all your new words. You love to encourage. You sing almost constantly.  Currently your favorite song is "I will rise" by Shawn McDonald.  You love singing "Twinkle Twinkle" to your little brother at nap time. 

To say you are a daddy's boy, may be an understatement.  Last week you got a sucker from the post office and you would not eat it until you could call Ababa and tell him about it.  You talk about Ababa many times during the day and list all of the things you are going to tell him when he gets home.  It is not uncommon for me to see you for only a few short hours on Saturdays because you are so busy following Ababa around, helping him. 

I love you so dearly.  I am so proud of you and all you stand for.  I look forward to seeing your interests grow and develop.  Mostly, I look forward to sharing more life with you. 

Love you always, Mama


  1. We have loved sitting on the sidelines cheering (hopefully cheering, perhaps commiserating) as you have become loving, faithful, patient, giving, and good humored parents and your boys have gone from orphans to cherished sons and brothers. Such a joy to see 2+1+1 become 4! Love you guys!

  2. Wonderful sentiments! I'd love to see that S do his sperm whale:)

  3. Best mama-to-sons letter ever. Love. Thanks for sharing.
