Thursday, January 10, 2013

I Pee Paw-yay

It happened.  We've got a potty trained kid.  Actually, two of them.  Believe it or not, this leaves me feeling a little torn. 

The good news: 
I'm so proud of that little Bear!  It's fun to be his cheerleader.
No more washing or buying diapers. 
He is such a lightweight and they don't make underwear that teeny, so I laugh every time I see them falling off his rump.
We get to hear him say "paw-yay" multiple times a day.

The bad news (get ready, the bad news is terrible):
There are no more Mot babies. 

And now here is a re-cap of the last 6 days, because I am a mom and that's what moms do.  Talk about potty training.  Also because I don't have baby books for my kids and possibly someday they will care.  Or more likely demand that I never blog again, because what teen would want his potty training experience to be on the internet?  Until then...

Days 1 and 2
Theme:  House-broken, not potty trained.
Ever seen a camel get potty trained?  No, I suspect not.  That was pretty much what was happening around here, though.  Apparently Bear was quite aware that we didn't want the floor to get peed on, so rather than use the potty he just held it.  For hours.  One time it was 5 hours.  And this was with a liquid diet.  When he did finally go, our little potty was half full.  Nothing but optimists around here. 

Day 3
Theme:  I'm mad you didn't forget about this stupid thing.
There were some tears and asking for a diaper on day three. He also carried the potty off and hid it.  I'll be honest, these tactics did test my resolve and I wondered if I should just go ahead and put a diaper on him.  This was also the only day he had any real accidents.  Later in the afternoon, I noticed a huge molar poking it's way out of his gums while he was wailing his head off.  Some ibuprofen helped day three immensely. 
This picture pretty much sums day three up. 

Days 4 and 5
Theme:  Champion!
By day 4 we quit asking if he needed to go.  Self-initiating!  He also put his camel days behind him and began going more frequently. 
Day 6
Theme:  The coup de gras.... #2!
I think the theme pretty much says it all.  :)
And voila!  A potty trained kid!  All we needed was:
a new dinosaur sippy
juice boxes
hot chocolate
apple juice
orange juice
a new Thomas water bottle
chocolate milk
Luigi's Italian Ice
one little potty
and one kid who was ready months ago (I suspect this may be the most important part).
And now here is some Mot baby trivia for all you buffs out there.  Since becoming our son until paw-yay time, Bear has only been in one diaper size, our loyal friend: the three. 


1 comment:

  1. Yea, congrats!

    Also, I can totally relate to the teeny tiny heiney thing. Pipsqueak was in three's until she trained and her panties are all big. I call her droopy drawers.
