Monday, June 3, 2013


Superman and Bear received darling piggy banks for Christmas this past year.  It's a good thing too, because we have yet to start any kind of money conversation with our kids and the piggy banks have kicked started that nicely.  In a debit card life, I doubt our kids would have set eyes on a nickel if not for a piggy on the dresser. 

Fact:  Mimi brings them coins semi-regularly and I have never once orchestrated an event where they can buy something. 

Fact:  Momo saves a whole baggie or coffee tin full of quarters for the boys and I drive to the bank, use the commercial line in the drive-through, and deposit the 4.5 pounds into two savings accounts.  Again, (and I may be repeating myself here) I have never once orchestrated an event where they can buy something. 

In a former life I was a first-grade teacher and I just couldn't believe that kids would not know names of coins or amounts.  Didn't their parents even talk to them??

Lord, you are teaching me grace. 
As it turns out, I have never known it all.


Superman:  Why do you have to go to work?

Jon:  I actually can't remember what he said, but it was something to the effect of liking his job, earning money and providing for his family, and getting away from the insanity.  (Well maybe not the last one, but you already knew that.)

Superman:  You have to teach me how to make money before I'm a daddy.
You have to make little circles and put them in the freezer and then put them in the microwave and then let it set out and cool it down? And that's how you make money?        


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