Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Celebrating EIGHT!

Oh, Seth, Seth, Seth, where do I begin?  If you take all our other kids combined (including the other eight foster kiddos), I'm pretty sure they have given us less gray hair than our dear Sethie boy.  But the heart on this kid continues to blow us away.  Two days ago he came home for lunch and the first words out of his mouth, "Mom, I saw a big kid in the hall.  He was having a hard time, I could tell.  We need to pray for him.  We need to pray for him because I know how it feels.  I know how it feels to have a day like that."  At this point, I try to pull myself out of the puddle I've become and join him in praying for the unknown big kid.

Seth is so smart!  This is such a cool aspect of his person to watch unfold, but can be crazy making as well.  He is so into certain things; construction, science, nature, animals, gardening, machines and technology to name a few.  It is hard to get him motivated/involved/participate in subject matters that he is not into, though.  We've had a few weeks of school so far in second grade where he has deemed participation very much optional.  The adults/teachers in his life feel differently.  Ha!  I can't wait to see what he does with his brain someday though.  I bet it will be something I can't wrap my mind around. 

He loves to sit around and pontificate the things he will invent, build, or plan for someday.  Yesterday we heard plans for the helicopter he was going to build, today it was the farm he was going to start.  One night Jon and I were laying in bed talking about our kids (what else?!?), and Jon said, "Someday he is going to invent a robot and then marry it." I'm not sure why, if it was the hour, or just knowing Seth like we do, we both cracked up and could not stop laughing. 

Then look at this text from the next day:
He keeps us on our toes and we can't wait to see where life takes him.  We are proud of the kid he is and know he's got big things in store.  It was fun celebrating our scientist/inventor this past weekend!
Seth and his loot.

Ollie excited for Seth!

Klondike bars and doughnuts in lieu of cake... is a tradition forming?

Opening his first present from Ollie.

His first three presents: a safety lab apron and safety glasses from Jennifer, and a magnifying glass from Ollie.  Let the science begin!

Magic Kit! 

Noey and Jennifer, some of Seth's biggest fans!

Seth and Ollie playing with some Aqua Hexbots.  They are basically little robot fish, super cool!

Seth also got a Pie Face board game.  Ollie got smacked in the face, while when Seth got it, the whip cream went sailing straight over his shoulder and down the back of his shirt.  Fun! And what mom doesn't love washing rogue whip cream off her kitchen and out of her son's dreadlocks?? 

Celebrating Seth at school!

Seth looking handsome in his new shirt from Gma and Gpa!
Seth, we love you!  We are happy to celebrate another big bday with you!

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