Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Last Call: Beggis!

Holy smokes, those early mornings impacted me more than I thought!  We've been home for over a week and I still don't have Beggis wrapped up. 
Doughnuts and cinnamon rolls.  Yummy bfast!
Out and about, ready to hit the town!
First stop of the day, M&M store!
Big Red was very welcoming.
The boys and the M&Ms in front of the M&M's.  What could be more fitting?
Excited about candy!
We taste tested all sorts of unique things, including chili flavored, candy corn, mint, and coffee M&M's. 


Day three of Beggis, these 8 year old legs were wore out!
On to the World of Coke!
Ollie looooooves soda.  I don't even know how this crazy passion started.  He was delighted to be sitting in front of this sampling tray from around the world.
A severe soda: A story told in three sips and three terrible faces.
Part One: Momo
Part Two: Ollie 
Part Three: Jon 
Avengers Assemble!!
(And then ask for a tip.) 
(I choose to remain naïve about all the ways to make money in Beggis.)
And if that wasn't enough sweets, here's the Hershey store.
All the boys in a Reese's peanut butter cup.
Gah!!  This picture!  I can't even!!
Later it was back to the pool for some swim time.  Or if you are Seth, back to the pool to try and catch a bird.  Or if you are Noey, back to the pool for a nap.
Another 3 pm linner at Johnny Rockets.
(Yes, Ollie?)

The Excalibur had a huge arcade in the basement called the Fun Dungeon.  Momo and Mimi's quarters were put to good use. 


Then back to the room for some hang out time before the Motsingers have yet another early bedtime.
That evening Momo and Jon took in a hockey game. 
Aw, man, and it's Sunday!  Last day of vacation! 
Noley and Mimi checking each other out. 
And getting in some snuggles.
The knights! 
And good bye Excalibur!
And my most faithful unpacker helping back at home. 


1 comment:

  1. Bye, bye Beggis! It was crazy fun but went waaaay too fast....
