Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Specs


We got a letter home from pre-k the end of last year saying Ollie didn't pass the vision screening.  It took us all summer to actually get in to get his eyes checked due to a vacationing optometrist that actually turned out to be an optometrist moving and re-locating his practice. 
Ollie was so thrilled to get glasses.  Literally jumping up and down and dancing in the office when we all realized glasses were a sure thing.  And a sure thing they were.  I even made them stop asking him about letters and try pictures (well.... maybe he doesn't know all of this letters) and then even made them stop the exam to ensure he could actually identify the pictures that he was seeing (well..... they are a little abstract, maybe he doesn't know what the pictures are supposed to be?)  Nope.  He knew all the pictures.  During the test, until it was at around 20/100, he just kept saying, "a duck?  I think a duck." for 80% of the pictures.   
He was also super chatty and curious about everything the optometrist did. 
Me: Maybe you can be an eye doctor when you grow up!
Ollie: No way!  I'm gonna be a taxi driver!
The optometrist and I totally crack up.
Eye doc: Oh yeah? Why do you want to be a taxi driver?
Ollie: Oh you know.  I just like helping people get around.....  That's actually one of our commitments at school.  To help people.  And I do that.  I help people and do the other commitments.  The other commitments are.... (10 more minutes of solid yammering).
When we went back a week later to pick them up the first thing he said after he had them on was, "Oh mama! I can see you so good!"  He was pretty cute about the whole deal. 
And here they are!


  1. Love his new specs and the yammering excerpt. Lu came with me to the eye doc and wanted to pick some out, too. She didn't understand why I wouldn't let her take them home. If she's like me she'll likely get to keep some in five years or so. :)

  2. So glad those twinkly bright eyes can see perfectly, now!
