Thursday, February 22, 2018

All the Extras

February has been chock full of extra-curricular type activities at Waters Elementary. 
The month kicked off with Jump Rope for Heart, and can I just brag for a minute about Seth and Ollie's jump roping skills?  They are both seriously amazing.  Their coaches teach them all types of jumping rope (straddle, criss cross, skier, and on and on...) and then on the big competition day they basically see who can jump rope the longest in each of the categories.  Seth probably won five different events and Ollie got second every single time.  At the end they invite the parents to come up and have a go for some awards.  Let me tell you, I did not win.  And the amount of time my lungs burned afterward was more than double the amount of time I actually jumped rope.  
Also, I feel the need to tell you that Seth's current personal best for pogo sticking is over 230 consecutive jumps.  Those boys are just jumping fools.   (I had to go back and edit this.... as of April 2018 Seth’s pogo consecutive jump record is 1,219!!!!) 
Ollie also had his big Destination Imagination competition last weekend.  His team worked so very hard to learn about different cultures, then design all their props and costumes, and learn all their lines.  We were so proud to watch them perform for the judges.  Such a great group of kids and a great experience for Ollie. 
Here's the team after their performance.
Ollie and Kaleigh answering some of the judges questions afterwards. 
A couple of proud brothers with our Tiki.
Later that night they had a big awards ceremony for the teams.  
Team award 
Finally we had our annual PTA skate night for Waters.  We really look forward to this every year, and I'd say we have all improved over the last few years!
Gah!!  Noey had his first skate as well.  So darling!
Ollie and his good bud, Jon. 

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