Friday, March 16, 2018

Austin Adventures: 2

Ollie, George, and Nolan. The early morning crew.
The first stop of the day was a children's museum called the Thinkery. It was such a blast. All three of the kids found things that absolutely captivated them.
Seth stopped at this simple machine area upon arrival and didn't move from this area for at least 45 minutes. Jon and I would walk back to check on him periodically and joke that the he had found his wife in the woman who was in charge of staffing the area.

He ended up making this pulley system that would connect two of those large green blocks.  He had all these black knobs set up on the top of them, and after he explained it, they were army fighters advancing across to new areas.   
Nolan was delighted by these air tunnels that would shoot up scarves and balls.
Ollie spent time making rockets with different wing shapes, then testing them on this air pressurized popper thing. 
The Thinkery also had a legit play structure.   
Ollie's in the very top, in that ball thing.
They also had a huge water table, but we all declared it to be too splashy.
There was another park right across the street, which was a perfect spot for day two picnic lunch and playing (of course).
Just a boy and his cuties.
After our morning fun, we drove to the capital to (a) see it and (b) hope that Nolan would fall asleep in the car for a quick afternoon nap.  You will note, dear reader, he appears in all of the following pictures, thus thwarting our plan b, but ensuring plan a for all.

You really can't tell in these pictures, but the capital is straight up pink. All that rock is red granite, which I guess is one thing it is known for. Also this might be our best family picture to date.
Our last stop of the day before bringing Chuy's takeout back to our hotel room was mini golf and laser tag. If you are smart, you will not take your extremely ball loving two-year old to mini golf.  Lesson learned. 
Be warned. We came to dominate. 

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