Friday, June 12, 2020

A Meal Train of Goodbyes

All along we knew that the hardest part of our move to Austin would be saying goodbye to our people. While I think “see ya later” is probably more accurate, it’s the daily minutiae, slog, and small celebrations with these folks that will leave a gaping hole in our lives. Since leaving Lubbock our good friends just learned of a huge plumbing problem in their house. In the five days we have been gone I am sure they already would have been over multiple times to do their laundry and catch a quick bite. 

Jon and I have lived in Lubbock for 11 years, brought our boys home from Ethiopia there. Fostered 10 kids and adopted one there. Gone to church, school, graduations, funerals, work, and Walmart there. We have lived a lot of life with absolutely tremendous people in our corner, and in no way could I begin to sum up the ways our community has been life to us. 

Rather than a going away party (thanks Covid (no really... thanks. That was not intended as sarcasm.)) a friend set us up a meal train. Rather than friends bringing us meals at our house, they invited us into their homes for a meal and some kid play time. This was so super awesome for several reasons: our kitchen and pantry were being packed away, our kids had missed several of our friends’ families during quarantine, and it was so much better to actually get to talk and enjoy ourselves with friends, rather than the small talk that would have dominated a going away party. 

Overall, we left town feeling so very cared for and loved. 

Dinner and sprinkler fun with the Keene’s.

Dinner and a huge storm trooper battle with the Mikels, but no pictures! Ack!
Dinner with Billy and Briley. No pictures again! Double ack!

Two trips to the Idalou pool with the Hursts. A frog was found!

Logan went through all of her pictures, and in 7.5 years of friendship and tons of pictures of our kids,  this was likely the first picture we ever took together. 

Logan was also the best and would swing by randomly in the final days and pick up whatever boys happened to be home so Jon and I could finish packing or help the movers. She knew what we needed before we did. 

Lunch with the Sims, and a super awesome going away swing.

Ollie having some last minute play time with Christian.

Ollie had the New Year's resolution to try all the soda flavors at Soda Shack and just finished. Jennifer posted a picture of him on his final flavor, and they re-posted him and invited him in to get a free shirt! That's officially  Lubbock famous!

Dinner, slip and slide, and a butterfly release with the Pickens.


Dinner with Paige and Maverick!
Dinner at Jennifer and Jessica's house! 

Dinner, park time, and some tennis lessons from Adissu and family.

We were also able to squeeze in two last bday parties before hitting the road: Jennifer's office themed 30th bday and Joe Bear's 4th. Both were so much fun!

We also got to spend some time with our favorite neighbors, the Striplings. Ollie probably spent time with Jon and Isaiah every day during the final two weeks. Leigh Ann also made Ollie the sweetest photo album with pictures over the years of our two families, starting when Ollie and Jon were in kindergarten. He really treasures looking through it. The kids all participated in Skate Board camp right before we left town as well.

Our friend's the Bolins were out of town and generously offered up their house so we didn't need to get a hotel in the final days. It was much appreciated. 

Dinner and game time with the Hohbeins, plus all the random times Noey played with their Seth in the last 2 weeks. They also have our other car, which we plan to get when we swing back through Lubbock at the the end of June. Laura texted that Seth came running back in after we left town for good and yelled, "The Mots left something! Tell them to come back!" Laura asked what we left and he responded, "The blue car! They left an entire car!" 

Whew! See what I mean?!? So many awesome friends! So much great community to go through life with. Irreplaceable. 

And finally.... Moving day!

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