Saturday, June 27, 2020

Onward North!

Did you know Eli and Alexa live 5.5 hours from grandma and grandpa? When I realized this my mind was blown. Annnnnddd another stop was added to our homeless adventuring. On to Minneapolis!

It was really nice to chill and spend some time relaxing with A&E. We ate sooo good, went to some really awesome parks, took Beaux on a few walks, and I even got in a run or two. Jon was on an interview panel for a few days, so he was locked away working and missed some of our escapades. 

Iconic Cherry and Spoon at the sculpture garden.

That about sums it up. :)

Another day, another new park to explore.

I want to say this was Truman lake, but I am only about 50% sure. My brain is confused and muddled with whens and wheres, but it seems like it started with a T. I do remember that it was a short walk from the park in the previous picture. For reasons unknown to me, Nolan grabbed my hand and covered his face with it in every picture. For reasons I do remember, Seth refused to be in the picture. 

Seth was pretty content to work on a fort with some extra tape and boxes he found.

Man, we ate good. We had some great take-out, plus Alexa made some outstanding meals, with the coup de grace coming in the form of baby back ribs off the smoker.

I realize I just posted this picture, but this time just let your mouth water over those ribs. 

Fun park number 4. (I think!)

Epic beat box battle. Ollie also decided to pick on Alexa and would run over to her before farting. (What can I say? We are pretty sweet house guests.) They got in a minor prank war that escalated with a mustache drawn on a sleeping Ollie. He interrogated everyone, but I'm not sure if he ever did apprehend his culprit.

Getting in a putting lesson. Eli and Jon also played golf one evening. It sounds like they were terrible. Ha.

Adventuresome Seth! We were doing a little gardening and came across this fella!

I love Seth's face in this picture. Surprise and delight.

Beaux getting in his cuds with Seth. They were both sound asleep with an arm sticking out. 

Thanks for hosting us and being so Minnesota nice, Eli and Alexa! We had so much fun!

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