Sunday, August 29, 2021

Noey News

Our littlest buddy is officially 5 and a half and is rocking kinder. Hard to believe our baby is that old!

School lunch picnic with his class.

ABC boot camp: Day 1

He has had FOUR kids in his class test positive for covid so far this year. Oye.

Our district is not quarantining classes automatically like last year, but families can choose to keep their kids home for a few days if there has been a case to hopefully protect them from further exposure. The last time I was in his class there were about 9 kids, but I bet tomorrow there may be around 5? For the past couple covid years, our family really hasn't had this much exposure. Ever. Who knows what the future will bring, but I feel like the first Mot is about to test positive. 

You know you have big kid on your hands when they prefer showering to bathing. Even if they do choose to wear googles. Ha!

Hugging his puppies.

You also know you have a big kid on your hands when you find yourself sneaking into their room to take sleeping pictures less and less. Sleeping elementary (and definitely sleeping pre-teens) just aren't as cute as those sleeping toddlers. But here's a few anyway. 

And some pictures of the half birthday celebration. He was really funny this year and kept trying to ask in different ways if he would get presents for his halfie day. "Mom, so two more sleeps, then my half birthday, so I will probably open presents that day." "Mom, can I loooook in here??? Did you hide my half birthday presents in here?" Good try buddy! On the half day, all you can expect is cake!

We love you so much, Noey! xoxox


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