Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The better half

No one ever asks me how my marriage is.  This is probably because they know Jon and figure he can deal with whatever hot mess I continually throw down.  He is a saint like that. 

And because no one ever asks me about my marriage, I don't really have ample opportunity to brag about my husband.  So I'm dedicating this blog post to him, and really he should have at least one in his honor every month. 

In no particular order, ways my husband loves me well:

He continues to send me links about Harry Potter, because he knows my love will never die. 

He hides things for me around the house while he's gone.  Lots of thought goes into the hiding places and he knows my routines inside and out, because somehow he can ensure the gifts are hidden in such a way that I won't find two things on one day.  If he's gone three days, I will randomly stumble upon three treasures three days in a row.

He rubs my shoulders.  Unasked. 

One of my favorite parts of the week is spending an hour with him at church and talking about it on the way home. 

He has wine waiting for me on the counter on days that he knows are long.

Despite Lubbock being set up like a grid (and lets not even mention that we have lived here for close to four or five years), I call him multiple times a month while driving to ask for directions.  He is never exasperated, always genuinely happy that he could help. 

He gets up with our midnight kid more often than I can count. 

He texts me in the middle of the day to ask about my day.  He prays for me.  

He knows tons about the Bible and can answer all my questions.  He indulges my wacky questions and turns them into real conversations.

He sneaks quietly from our bedroom on the weekends when he knows full well that it is my turn to get up with the kids on Saturday or Sunday and he is the one who is supposed to be sleeping in.

He never complains about my cooking.  Never.  And sometimes I only fix lentils. 

He jumps on board with all my home repair ideas. 

Since married, I've never touched a lawn mower.  That one is a little embarrassing on my part...

He's clean.  And cleans.  And encourages our boys to clean. 

He always asks how my day was and really listens.  He always asks how I slept. 

He still buys me flowers.

He surprises me by remembering the date of our first ever date and then plans something to celebrate 10 years together.  He's a sweetie like that.

He added sytycd to our hulu queue. 

He is sympathetic every year when I re-read HP and sob when Dobby dies.  Or in a similar vein, when Rue dies.

Our checkbook is never not balanced.  He pays all the bills and is stellar at managing our money.

He loves to travel and has taken us on some great vacations.

And let's not even start on what a great dad he is.... we'll save that for another day. 



  1. What a great testament to Jon. And good job to you for not becoming unaware of all he does for you, or letting it become background noise. That lentils line was great too:)

  2. A lovely post, a lovely marriage.

  3. I agree with the other comments! Been missing you guys and loved reading this as my first catchup post! :)
