Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sweet Lucy, she's a Pearl

Lucy Pearl, we are completely smitten and were over the moon to meet you!  To behold your full head of feather down hair and ohh and ahh over you was a delight!  To hold you in our arms and try to coax out one of your smiles so we could catch a glimpse of your elusive dimples was a joy. 

Jubal and Lu, my boys think that the very best possible way to spend a short 30 minutes is in your company!  And Jubal, thank you for the invitation to come to your house for Christmas!  :)

Fellow CCHers who read the blogs of these collective mamas, let me just tell you, pictures can't do these sweet babes/kids justice.  Even if you are like me and compulsively check Tall Tales and Gild the Lily daily, no amount of picture proof will ever compare to the real deal.  These are some sweet kids, and we felt rich to be able to see them for a teeny tiny amount of time before piling back in the van and driving another 10 hours.

Caveat before getting to the pictures:  Superman took 6 out of 7 of them.  :)




  1. Love this post, and especially its title. :) Superman is an excellent picture taker. Now I need to get on it and blog about it, too!

  2. Ahh! I love it! I was sad going to bed that night, that I only saw you for moments, friend! but your glowsticks saved the next day, for which I am eternally grateful.
    oh and thanks for letting me know you've been invited for Christmas! always good to get a head count before the holiday. ;) I will call you sometime this week
