Thursday, August 2, 2012

Did I ever tell you about how I was a nanny and potty trained a kid in an afternoon?  No?  O Bear is showing major interest, but I'm learning that an afternoon is pretty much hitting the ball out of the park in potty speak.

Today O Bear tells me he needs to pee.

"I pee.  I pee."
"Do you have to pee?  Do you want to sit on the potty?"

We take off his diaper (dry!) and get settled in.

Then he remembers he has the attention span of an almost two-year old.
I spend the next few minutes running between his bedroom full of toys and the parked potty, trying to get him to stay sitting for a few more minutes.  In the process he drops my phone in, a reminder that we can all be thankful for dry potties at times. 

S-Man wanders in and has great words of encouragement.
"Owlie, Owlie, say 'uhhhhh' (the universal bathroom grunt).  It help.  Say 'uhhhhhhh' and then you pee."

To O's credit, he does try this.  Still nothing. 

"Done!" is declared.  We put the diaper back on.  O Bear stands, rests his hand on the back of the potty for support and immediately has an immense look of relief on his face.

"I pee. I pee."
"Did you pee?  Do you want me to change your diaper?"

Sure enough. 

Someday when my kids are huge I will probably read this again and kick myself for encouraging my babies to grow up so fast, so I need to throw in this caveat.  I only stick him on the potty when it is his idea! 

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