Friday, August 10, 2012


Jon tried to ruin our lives 6 months ago by setting out to lower his triglycerides. 

He got the results back today and I can put aside my bitter attitude about no brownies and too much salmon because a major victory was accomplished.  

His numbers went from 299 to 72!  I am seriously proud.  He also lost 15 lbs that he didn't need to lose. 

What about me you ask?  (I'm guessing you didn't really ask, but thanks for humoring me.) I'm not one to blow my own horn, but I also ate salmon multiple times a week, and lost an amazing...... zero pounds.  

I'm thinking the 9 popsicles I ate a day contributed to the difference in weight outcomes.   


  1. Holla! That's awesome... for Jon. Umph, I guess salmon isn't your magical food ;)

  2. Yay for Jon--and 0 pounds lost for you means 0 pounds gained hopefully:)
