Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Sweet Spot

A place where a combination of factors results in a maximum response.
Thanks, Wikipedia.

School starts tomorrow.  That means fall is here.  I love fall.  I think if I live to be 100 years old there will still be something in me that catches back to school fever.  I was out running (yep. you read that correctly) by our elementary school thinking about all my friends that have major life change that accompanies the start of school.  My buddy half-way around the world teaching new subjects, leaning on God and learning some new life rhythms.  The dear family we just bought our mini-van from uprooting to a new country with 4 young, elementary-aged kids and 18 suitcases to learn, serve and share the gospel.  My friends sending their big kids to school tomorrow.  Other friends getting up early tomorrow morning to put on their most perfect teacher outfits and going into unknown chaos.  Buddies who will be starting home-school curriculum.  Faithful friends ready to start their last few semesters of college all the while praying for wisdom and guidance. 

And with all this change in the air, I am content to be.  While I may have trouble falling to sleep tonight thinking about all those who will hit the ground running tomorrow in their new classrooms (seriously, something must be wrong with me) I am not sad to be missing it.  I believe we have hit our stride.  Life has become predictable.  And I mean that in the most spontaneous, fun-loving way.  Predictable in that I know my kids.  I know how they handle new situations, and we have learned how to best prep them for success. And when you aren't walking on egg shells or fearing triggers for melt downs, life can relax and you can feel free to be spontaneous again.   

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.  (2 Chronicles 16:9)

Whether life for you is full of change or has a steady pace, the Lord continues to faithfully strengthen. 


  1. Loved that! And I was up wayyyy too late last night because I couldn't sleep thinking about the first day of school - and I'm not teaching this year! (seriously, something must be wrong with me, too!)

  2. This post made me smile and sigh contentedly. :)
